Bariatric Women’s Support

October Challenge Group

Come join us for October While we go "fall into a healthy routine"!


For the month of October, we are going to focus on routines. Sometimes nutrition and fitness can seem overwhelming, but you can create simple routines that make meaningful impacts on your weight loss and health! Integrating small daily actions add up to big results over time. When it comes to a healthy bariatric lifestyle, the trick is making your routines healthier, even if it’s just by a little bit. Join us for this month and learn some tweaks you can make to all your routines and set yourself up for weight-loss surgery success.

We have also taken some of everyone’s favorite fall flavors and created delicious recipes that will fit into your healthy lifestyle. We are all about satisfaction not deprivation and cannot wait for you to see how well we eat in Challenge Group!


We have a Whole Food Group Reset planned as well.  I created this plan to lose my own regain and use it anytime I feel old habits creeping in, and it truly helps subside the sugar and carb cravings.  No all-liquid dieting, no being hungry, just whole foods that are nutrient dense to crowd out the carbs and sugars.  Plus, you have support along the way with others doing and a Whole Food Reset printable pdf to guide you as well.


Our Challenges ALWAYS include…

Monthly Giveaways and Fun Games

Workouts with certified personal trainer Caren Lloyd

Whole Food Group Reset

Step Challenges

Weekly Weigh-ins and Check- ins

Group Nutrition and Coaching Support Calls

Archives of past Facebook Lives and information

Weekly Journal Prompts

Access to a certified Nutrition Coach!

Printable PDF Reset Workbook

New and improved balanced meal plans with recipes

Optional Accountability Chat

Exclusive Facebook Community

Access to the BWS Library of over 700 recipes

The cost of the challenge is $20, and it lasts the entire month.

If you are a new member please use the code NEWMEMBER at checkout and receive your first month for only $10!  If you have previously been in Challenge you can use the code MISSEDYOU and get the same deal!

Once you have submitted your payment you MUST send a request to join the BWS Challenge Group and you will be added as soon as we get your request (the content may still be the previous month)!  If you you have trouble joining once you have paid, please email us at so we can help you!  If you do not click the link to join you will not be able to see the content, and this will not be eligible for a refund.

We hope to see you there!

Amazing people and amazing support! I haven’t always been super active .. but just knowing I have people who understand helps tremendously!


The challenge group is full of amazing women who support you through the good, the Oops moments where you beat yourself up, like I am now and just everyday things you want someone to share with.


This challenge group keeps me motivated. Also I feel with everything going on I am not getting a lot from my appointments so I have to learn alot on my own and this group is doing that. The people are amazing and I love the support and understanding we all have for each other.


I love the challenge group. While I might not comment all the time. I read every post and it keeps me on track for the day, week and month. The recipes are awesome even my mother likes them which helps greatly when cooking for one. Ill take all the inspiration I can get thank you.


I love this group. It’s particularly helpful to me as a new bariatric patient to be inspired and work with those further down the road. Accountability is king. I love that we can be honest and free from judgement.


Love the support you get from everyone. Ashley and Leslie do a great job of getting information to you. The recipes I have used have all be spectacular.


Love the food log and the meal plans. But I really LOVE not having to do this by myself.


I love the access to people who are experiencing what I am going through and have positive advice and outlooks.


I love this group, the friendly women and the accountability. I didn’t plan on actually participating, just thought I would stand back and see how things are, but I love the zoom meetings and love you are doing product reviews now. It helps motivate me to stay on track and gives me more tools to ensure success!!


I love the accountability and just the overall knowledge of this group. It’s got everything.


This challenge group helps me to stay accountable to my self. I am conscious about my water intake, which I have struggled with in the past couple of years. I love this group and I am glad that I found it when I did!!! Just love Ashley Lanham Justice and her posts daily!!! xoxo


This group keeps the reminder daily that I need to not feel alone. The food struggle is real.


I like to feel i have a community of people who understand the struggle!!


The challenge group allows for more connection and support. The recipies are delicious and the info that you have access to is very helpful. The group is full of people that either have “been there and done that” or “I’m dealing with that too” so you get a wide range of experience and acceptance.


This challenge group helps me stay accountable for what I eat and motivates me to want to try harder every day until I get to my goal weight!!! Thank you for keeping me on track and knowing I’m not alone makes me feel like a winner already.


If you have not tried Ashley’s recipes you are missing out!  She takes things I have truly been missing and makes them healthy and they fit in my plan!  We need a cookbook!


This challenge group helps me stay accountable for what I eat and motivates me to want to try harder every day until I get to my goal weight!!! Thank you for keeping me on track and knowing I’m not alone makes me feel like a winner already.


I like this Challenge Group it keeps me accountable, you have weekly weight in, there’s a step Challenge & check in. I also like about this group it provides you with different recipes & meal plans for the month and each recipe has a breakdown on the macros. There is also nutrition coaching call through out the month to help with whatever you may be struggling with. There is also positive & motivating post. If need help Ashley & Lesley is always there to help. There are great prizes you can win. The best thing I love all women in this group are so positive & motivates you to be your best.


I love it!!! Once I really utilized all the group has to offer ( especially the reset post) I was able to make a comeback from my Covid 15 . I highly recommend not only joining but looking everyday. There is so much on here , whatever you need help with there is a good chance you will find it here.


I’m fairly new to the group and trying to find my groove. We have so many challenges these days to go along with this one. But the menus, the recipes, he accountability, the motivation…it all helps so much. And it makes me feel like I’m not alone trying to deal with this. I’m still struggling but this group helps to keep me hanging on.


Love this group! Love that there is accountability, even if it is just seeing the posts here. Love my discount on Built bars. My favorite group!


I like the challenge group it offers a variety of meal plans and recipes that are both healthy and appetizing.


I love the sense of community from the group. Some months I am quieter than others but the ladies there are always there to surround you with support no matter what you may need. That has made all the difference in helping me get over some of the mental hurdles both pre op and post op. There is something in the group for everyone.


I have to share with you all about my feelings! I decided to join this month because I was mentally struggling with the amount of food I have been eating and the pace at which I have been eating. I’m so glad I joined this monthly challenge, the zoom meeting has had such an impact on me!! I am so glad I found y’all!!! ♥️♥️♥️


I feel that this challenge group keeps me motivated. It motivates me to get my proper water intake in and watch what I eat. It let’s me know also that I am not on this journey alone.


This Challenge group is making me more accountable for my actions. It is also very motivating to see and talk to others going through the same thing. The support is amazing and very helpful and encouraging.


Join Now!